Happy New Year 2013
So Maya were wrong. No end of the World in 2012 and that’s good news. What a pity if our automation solutions had such a short existence. What a relief, our scripts, extensions and XML Workflow will remain beneficial for 2013 and beyond as no “End of the World” is expected soon. We will keep on offering automation solution to incoming companies and reinforcing the current developments with our partners. So many projets to come in 2013 and we can’t wait to start working on them. Also we will soon announce achieved projects that have bagan in 2012. In the meanwhile, we are establishing very interesting partnerships to reach new markets. We also plan to start selling products. Most of them are now being tested and we will let you know as soon as possible. I can’t imagine how many projets you have on your side for 2013. Feel free to share them with us, we will examine them with great interest. It only remains for me to wish you a Happy new Year 2013 full of automation.Best Wishes for Health and Success.
Loïc Aigon